Well! as we reach the end of another year, thought I should explain my absence, and try to update. My Journal has been very neglected,not that things don't happen ~just haven't had the inclination to write them down. I do visit some of you from time to time, and sometimes even comment!

I dread the dark nights, and the winter chills, and I think it gets to us all at times. I used to love Christmas, and would really get into celebrating after my Birthday on the 14th....but as some of you will remember, my Son Michael was killed in a Car accident on the 10th December, it is now 10yrs, but as the date comes around again.....forgive me, but I love this Picture,and some of you will have seen it before on my previous Journal.
I try to keep up for Allan's sake. and he loves the Christmas Holiday....and a couple of weeks off work. But this year I haven't enjoyed much of it. My health hasn't improved, and as there isn't a cure for 'Pemphigoid',in brief my Immune System doesn't work I have some dark days,It is uncomfortable, but outwardly I look fine.Being on so much medication...along with the Diabetes, there are obviously 'side effects'.I've had a 'tingling/itching feeling all over my body for a few weeks now...just thought it would go away.Sleep is very limited, and we all the know the effects of that. Anyhow, I had to phone my Surgery on the morning of Christmas Eve, and Allan picked up a Prescription, was told to contact them if no improvement.I've been so uncomfortable, and I think that is one reason I couldn't get into the Celebrations.I waited until the Surgery opened yesterday, and they saw me straight away.I've now been given Antihistamines, and a Blood test, and may have to attend Hospital.Some of my main medictaion can affect the Liver, and that apparently can cause the 'itch'...I have Blood tests every 4 weeks,because of some of my Medication. I was due for my HAb1c (Diabetic), but that is on hold until mid January.

It's not all doom and gloom though (lol) Allan bought a new Car that we both can
We had a Holiday in October, and went to Northumberland...the Cottage was owned by a Lord and Lady... no less, and was quite wonderful. A lovely large kitchen with an Aga, which I'd never used one before. Daren't even try to post any pictures,or I may lose this altogether,maybe another entry.
I hadn't done any Knitting for about 15yrs, and some of you may remember,baby James Edward was born in June...six weeks premature. I knitted a Baby Jacket, and it turned out quite well! He's quite grown now, at six months., and here he is! Not bad for a premature Baby (lol) Oh! and I bought him the Teddy (Baby's 1st Christmas)
Oh! Yes and I bought myself a new SOFA in November, and it fits in great with my small Cottage suite...
Almost forgot the main reason I came online tonight!...... To wish everyone a 'Happy and Prosperous New Year'