Hello! I've tried to write an entry so many times this year, but trying to put down words has been difficult......
My last entry was 'miserable', on my way to having my two front teeth removed because of an Abscess. I received 'comments' and emails wishing me well, I was very frightened, but the Surgery went well, and I continued with Medical appointments, attending two Hospitals, one for Eyes, and also the Oral Maxillofacial every 4 months. I also have to visit my own Dentist every 3 months. As I've tried to explain before, My condition is a compromised Immune System, this along with Diabetes, takes it's toll. Outwardly, no one is the wiser, but I get very tired, and quite uncomfortable a lot of the time.
Allan was made Reduntant at the end of 2009, after 23yrs with the same Company, that is a Story in itself! However, although it helps me with appointment etc. and more time together, it has knocked him for six. He is on a course today, so that is my 'excuse' for doing some practical things, and thought also of bringing things up to date.
I attended the usual Clinic for my mouth in April, it was a new to me Dr, and after examining my throat. she said 'your throat shouldn't bleed like that'......also a tender lump in my Neck at one side. She called for another opinion, and they called for another opinion, then they huddled together in conversation. I was told I had to attend next morning at 9.00am to see a Consultant Surgeon. As Allan isn't working, he could again take me, and it is a good hour journey. while Allan was parking the Car, I was called in -on my own. The first words uttered were 'The People upstairs think your Pemphigoid may have turned to Cancer' after that most things he said just went over my head. He examined my throat, and said he wanted me to come in to Hospital, for a Biopsy, and I would be put to sleep. Meanwhile, by this time Allan had joined me, and we were sent for Ultrasound scan, Chest Xray,Head and Neck Xray, Blood etc.....
Now, comes the better 'option' when I was called back in ,after the Ultrasound scan. they had found an Abscess under an end tooth on the right hand side.....this is where the supposed 'lump' is, and felt if that is causing the lymph node to swell, hence further infection to my throat etc. So the tooth has to come out, and they would write to my Dentist, as I requested my own Dentist.....taking 3/4days, but I'm still having a Panendoscopy at the Hospital......think an overnight stay. not sure, but dreading it!
I rang my Dentist 3 times to see if they had heard anything, after 4 weeks of waiting I rang the Clinic, and spoke to the Consultants Secretary, after holding on, they found a letter had been written on the 30th April, but not signed or sent out! It was decided there and then, to Fax it to my Dr and Dentist, and I was asked if I would like a copy, I asked if they could also Fax to me, and I have a two page letter about myself, here by my side as I type. saying this 'Lady' has a history of many months/years of a sore throat. .....just over 4yrs actually. I was a Telephonist all my working life, so speech has always been very important in my life......
Change of subject, isn't it cold? we have a lovely sunny day, and the washing is drying, but I have the Central Heating on.
We should have gone to Kent on Holiday on the 8th May, but have cancelled, and booked the same cottage for September, hoping for better days.
It's Allan's Birthday on Friday, and he says we are having a 'Day off' and going to Buxton for the Day. There is a place we like to go for an Italian meal, and the chef is Italian, so the Lasagne is great. I struggle with eating sometimes,but will give it a damn good try.
I don't Pray, but always ASK whoever is in charge, to look out for me, and of course others in need.
Must go and get showered etc now, as I have a Drs appointment at 4.00pm, so will say 'Bye for now, and hope for better news soon.

ReplyDeleteTAKE CARE...
What a lot of stress you have een going through Aileen. Pain too.
ReplyDeleteYou could do with a little respitefrom it all..couldn't you?
Happy birthday to Alan!
I hope you both have a lovely lasagne when you dine out.
Thank you for my birthday card. YOu gave a lovel surprise and put a smile on my face too.
I think it is only fair that you share your addy with me too now.
Good luck with all of your tests. I hope they sort you out and you get a bit of blessed relief, for a while at least!
Sending you a cuddle.
Takecare and good luck to Alan on his course.
Jeanie xxxxx
OMG that is alot to have to go through,I do wish you well and Happy Birthday to Alan and hope you both have an enjoyable day out.
ReplyDeleteMany hugs to you both.
Dear Aileen,
ReplyDeleteStopping by to say hello from Alberta Canada.
Hope with Spring and summer on the horizon we all will be lifted in our spirit.
The snow is finally gone here and coming back from Tucson AZ leaving 90 degrees it is a bit of an adjustment.
Sure like to see those big pine trees again.
MUST find good things about me and not focus on the difficult ones that seem to engulf a person's whole being.
Love and Blessings,
ALBERTA Lori ABIceQueen@gmail.com
Aileen!!! I thought I'd lost you my friend! Ive found you again! Im so happy! Im so sorry to hear you have had so much to put up with! Bless you.
ReplyDeleteYes it is so cold! Im freezing today but the sun is shining. Its really cold when not in the sun. Im hoping it will get warmer. John and I are going to Oxford tomorrow for a night in a hotel. Its supposed to be really nice tomorrow! xxxxxx
Hi Aileen ,like Laine I thought you didnt blog anymore (not many of us do anymore ) and Id lost you ,but you popped up on Kaths blog ,so happily I have found you once more ,so sorry about all your health issues and Alans job ,enjoy your meal ...love Jan xx
ReplyDeleteOh!! dear Aileen you are going throught he mill as they say arn't you love? Sorry thingshave been so rough at your end.Prayers soon things will turn around for the better.Trying to catch up on a few comments today.Lots of things in between nowadays keeps me away from the pooter.I hope Alan does well on his course,and that you had the most fabulous time and meal when you went out.Keep your chin up.Take Care God bless Kath xx
ReplyDeleteHello Aileen
ReplyDeleteWhat rotten luck you are having with your health. I will certainly be having a word with the 'man in charge' too. Lots of sea mist here today, so don't blame you for rebooking your holiday.
Take care and hope to hear of good news for you soon.
Big Love
Jaynee X
Aileen-please know I am praying for you and wishing you the best...sending you hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Aileen,
ReplyDeleteOnce more I want to thank-you for your note.
My heart is grieving with your comment that your do not pray....As hard as it is right now for me I am grateful that I know when I pray that the Lord hears my voice...the times when I just can not get the words out the Bible tells me that the "Holy Spirit" that lives within me , will intercede on my behalf...
SO my friend as as child of God I want YOU to know that I am praying for you and your well-being and future health!
Sending much love, hugs and asking the Lord to keep His hand upon you.
Love Lori (aka ABIceQueen from ALBERTA, Canada)